Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
Dec4] PROCEEDINGS. [iS';4.


By P. le Page Renouf.

Chapterwherebyone knoweth the Powers of the West.

In respect of the Hill of Bachau (1) upon whichheavenresteth,
it presenteth itself(2) three hundred cubits in length (3) and two
hundredcubitsin breadth.
Scbak,the Lordof Bachau, is at the east of the Hill, and his
templeis upon it.
Thereis a serpent on the brow of that hill,five hundred cubits
in length, threecubitsof his forepart are pierced withswords.
I know the name of this serpent on his hill : " He who dwelleth
in his own flame" is his name. (4)
Now,at the close of day (5) he turneth downhis eyes to Ra r
for there cometh a standing still in the Bark and a deep slumber
withinthe ship. Andnowhe swalloweth threecubitsof the Great
ThenSutuis made to flee with a chain uponhimof steel (6)
andhe is forced to vomit all that he hath swallowed. ThenSutuis
put into his prison.
Andthenhe saith with Wordsof Power:—
Awaywiththee! Steel, whichart made fast uponmy hand. I
remainin thy prison, the Bark sailson and thouseest the path ;
butthineeyes close, [thineeye is delivered to me], thy head is
veiled,(7) and I go on and staythy steps.
I am the Manful one,whoveileththy head andwhocooleththe
hollowof thy hand : thy strength is my strength.
I am the Master of the Words of Power.
Whois this who hathbeendeliveredto me?
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