Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

  1. The earliesttextsaysnothingof this, though it mentions the
    " prison of Sutech," in a passage correspondingto what the papyri
    includein the ' Words of Power whichfollow. TheTurinTodten-
    buchsaysthat,"Sutuis put into his prison, and that a chain of steel
    is put upon his neck." Picturesof the serpent withthe chain upon
    himwill be found in Bonomi, Sarcoph.,plates 10 and 11.
    is an evident fusionin this chapter,in its later format least, as in
    chapter39, of the personages of Sutu andApepi.

  2. Thy headis veiled. The'veilingof the head,' and 'closing
    of the eyes ' of the sun are of course mythologicaltermsfor night
    time. But the mythological eventwascelebrated on the festival

called JJp 2®^.

  1. Chapter 1 1 1 stops at the word " Sunset." Andafterthis,the
    textin chapter 149 changes the third to the first person,and reads :
    " but I go round the heaven whilstthouart pierced withhooks,"as
    if Ra were replyingto the words of Sutu. This,I confess, appears
    to me to offer a better sense than thatof chapter 108. And I
    shouldnowalterthe word " stabber" in the first line of chapter 39
    to "pierced withhooks."


Chapterwherebyone knoweth the Powers of the East.

I know thatEasternGateof Heaven (the Southof it is by the
lakeof Cha-ru, and the north of it by the stream of Reu), from
whenceRa saileth withfavouringgales.(1)
I am the Teller (2) in the divine ship: I am the unresting navi
gatorin the Bark of Ra.
I know those two Sycomoresof Emerald between which Ra
comethforth, as he advanceth overwhat Shu hathliftedup,tto
everygate(3) through whichhe proceedeth.

  • On this picture(plate11) may alsobe seen an interesting illustrationof
    chapter 39 ; the scorpion goddessputtingthe chain uponApepi,in front of whom
    are the divinities to execute, withswordsand hooks,the decreepassedagainsthim.
    The children of Ilorus are also seen occupiedin the execution.
    t I.e., the Sky.

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