Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
Dec.4] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

  1. Presenteth itself, ^^**^. This Egyptian verb is always

expressive of activity, and perhaps ought neverto be translated

being. Q W are 'things whichare,'but ^^ • w. are ' things which
1 1 1
' spring forth' ' come to light.'
3 The oldesttext(whichis here the best authority)doesnot give
the dimensions of the hill, butonlyof the serpent. Theearliest
papyrigivethe dimensions of both, but make the hill so absurdly
smallthatthe serpent couldnot rest upon it. Later papyribegin
ningwithPf havecorrectedthe texts so as to give the hill a length
of 300 cubits, orv^^T(eachof which is 100 cubits long). Theyomit
the statement thatthe cubit in question is of 7^ palms (the Royal
cubit beingof 7 palms), and alsothe interesting mention of the

ATA H 1 ''balance (or measurement) of the earth." The
relationof this ' balance' to the rest of the sentence is not clear,
becausethe MSS. differas to the preposition whichprecedes.
The Papyrusof Nebseni gives the hill 300 cubitsin breadth.
The Todienbuehof Turin reads 370 ^~^\ in length, and 140 cubits
in breadth.

  1. The serpent'snameis not mentioned in chapter 1 1 1, nor is it
    in the earliest text. But in chapter 149 the usual name is
    -j Z^1 Vjfftft,morefully writtenojo^' in the Papyrus of
    Nebseni. The determinative ^vj, commonly attached to the
    nameof Apepi, expresses the meaning ' sword smitten,' ' shot
    withswords,'f«/W».Toi/o». We might otherwisehaveunderstood the
    termin the sense of f<0<utoVo?, ' slayer withswords.' ThePapyrus
    of Sutimes Pd callsthe serpent T ¥\ -^^,=>¥\ >-_ ' knife-
    Thepropername^^ '^^^,^'so writtenJjWj 2S5J'
    MC/es,an epithet of Apepi, or of Sutu, also means "piercedwith
    swords." But the expression itselfseemssometimes to be found
    in the active sense,"piercinglike a sword."

  2. Close of Day,whendaylighthas come to ' a stand ' -? A ^o
    This is the reading of the papyri. The oldest reading is
    k<^>(S^M <atthe timeof sunset-

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