Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
Dec.4] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

I know the Garden of Aarru : the wall of it is of steel. The
wheatof it is of 7 cubits, the ears of it of 2 cubits, the stalk of it of 4
cubits. Thebarleyof it is of 7 cubits, andthe ears are of 4 cuhits,
and the stalk of 3 cubits.
It is the glorified ones,eachof whom is 9 cubits in height, who
reapthem,in presence of the Towers of the East.
I know the Powers of the East : Horus of the Solar Mount,the
Calfin presence of the God, (4) and the Star of Dawn.
A divine Domain(5) hath beenconstructedfor me ; I know the; the name of it is the garden of Aarru.


Anotherrecension of this chapterhas been incorporated into
chapter149. Thedifferences lie chiefly in the order assigned to
eachof the component sentences.

  1. Favouring gales Vvl|\ Yitt "sailing breezes"

correspond to phrases like "tfievoi oi'poi,ventisecundi,tradewinds,
tail wind, sternwind. Thereis not the faintest authorityfrom the
olderpapyri(whichare very numerous,and remarkablyunanimous

on this point) in favour of the determinative /yv], of the Turin

Todtenbuch,whichgivesthe sense of violent or tempestuous winds.

  1. Every gate. " Ra at his rising is adored by the Powers of the
    " East. Theyit is who effectthe rising of Ra, by opening the door
    " at each of the four portalsof the Eastern horizonof heaven."
    (Inscr. in tomb of Rameses VI, Champollion, Notices,Tom.II, p.

  2. The Calfin presence of the god. The Calfis seen in the
    vignettes of this chapterand also of chapter 1. Brugsch (Rev.
    Egypt, Ii P- 38) quotes texts showing that the Milch-cow
    \SsSv X Ks^ ^Vh3 Hor-sechauit,is the mother of the Sun-god,
    andthatthe infant godis the calf to whom she gives birth. The
    words " in presence of the god " are probablycorrupt, but the
    variants are apparently worse. The Morning Star was equally

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