Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1


  1. T/te divine Domain. See M. Maspero's importantarticle"Sur
    le sens des mots Nouitet Hait," in P.S.B.A., XII, p. 235-257.
    " Nouit sert a designer un domaine rural d.ciltendueplus ou
    Ci I
    moins considerable, portantou ne portant pas de village ou de
    maisond'habitation II etait une personnereelle,formant
    un corps completen soi, et c'est pourcela qu'on le represente sousla
    formed'unhorn me ou d'une femmeapportantdes produits agricoles
    et des offrandes."


By W. Max Muller.

A good manymonumentsof Egyptian workmanship,sculptures,
and inscriptions,havebeendiscoveredin Palestine and Phoenicia,
but almost all of them betrayby their hieroglyphicinscriptionsthat
theyweremadefor some necropolison Egyptian soil,andthatthey
havecometo the coasts of Asia onlyby accident, carriedawayto
serve as unintelligible ornament.* Thegraffitowith the name of
RamsesII, east of the Jordan (theso-calledstoneof Job, Zeitschrift
des deutschcn Paldstinavereines,92, 205, A.Z., 93, 100), the frag
mentof Arvad (Kenan,Missionen Phenicie, 28 ; cf. my book, Asien
undEuropa, p. 274), and the stela of Ramses II, near Byblos
(L.D.,III,197c),havebeen,so far, the only Egyptianinscriptions
engravedin Syria andfor Syria. Now,Mr. Griffith has,Proceedings,
XVI, 91, added a new monument of this kind. It possesses the
uniqueinterestof containing a valuable geographicallusion.
Mr. Griffith has observed with wont acuteness that the king
representedon it was Necho. The firstline refersto the titles of
godHorus: j§) <J^~ \\~7T" the only childof his (read/.

insteadof ) mother in \&, I ." The secondline seems to need

* Also the statue fromTyrusrecentlydiscovered(A.Z.,93, 102) seemsto
belongto this category.
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