The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

110 Is The Bible God’s Word?


II K IN G S 19

ND it came to pass, when king
l H6z-e-ki'-ah heard it, that he
self with sackcloth, and went into rent his clothes, and covered him­
the house of the 2 And he sent E-li'-a-kim, whichLord.
was over the household, and Shebna
the scribe, and the elders of the
priests, covered with sackcloth, toIsaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

saith H6z-e-ki'-ah, This day 3 And they said unto him, Thusis a day^
of trouble, and of rebuke, and blas­
phemy : for the children are come to
the birth, and to bring forth.there is not strength
5 So the servants of king H6z-e-
ki'-ah came to Isaiah.
10 Thus shall ye speak to H&z-e-
ki'-ah king of Judah, saying. Let
deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shallnot thy God in whom thou trustest^
not be delivered into the hand of the
king of Assyria.
the kings of Assyria have done to11 Behold, thou hast heard what
all lands, by destroying them utter­
ly: and shall thou be delivered?
delivered them which my fathers12 Have the gods of the nations
have destroyed; aj Gozan, and Ha-
of Eden which ran, and Rezeph, and the childrenwere in Thel'-a-^
14 1i And Hez-e-kt'-ah received
the letter of the hand of the messen­

gers. and read it: and Hezekiahwent up into the house of the Lord, (^)
and spread it before the Lord.
fore the 15 And H6z-€-ki'-ah prayed be­Lord, and said, O Lord
God of Israel, which dwellest be­
tween the ch£r'-u-bims, thou art the
God, even thou alone, of all the
kingdoms of the earth; thou hastmade heaven and earth.
36 So S£n-nad)'-£r-ib king Qf ^ s
Syria departed, and went and re­
turned, and dwelt at Nin'-4-vgh.
37 And it came to pass, as he was
worshipping in the
house of Nis'-rdfih his god, that A-dram'-mfc-lfccb
ana Sha-r£'-z4r his sons smote him
with the sword: and they escapedinto the land of Armenia. And (^)
E-sar-had'-don his son reigned in
his stead.
A AND Hfcz-€-kl'-ah heard it came to pass, when king it, that he
rent his clothes, and covered him­
self with sackcloth, and went into
the house of the Lord.
*-aj over the household, and Shebna^2 And he sent E-lI'-a-kim, who
the scribe, and the elders of the
priests covered with sackcloth, un­
to Isaiah the prophet the son of
Amoz.3 And they said unto him, Thus
saith Hfcz-e-ki'-ah, This day is a day
of trouble, and of rebuke, and ofblasphemy: for the children are
come to the birth, and there is not
strength to bring forth.
ki'-ah came to Isaiah.5 So the servants of king Hfcz-e-^
10 Thus shall ye speak to H6z-e-
ki'-ah king of Judah, saying, Let not
thy God, in whom thou trustest, de­ceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall
not be given into the hand of the
king of Assyria.
the kings of Assyria have done to all11 Behold, thou hast heard what^
lands by destroying them utterly;
and shall thou be delivered?
12 Have the gods of the nations
delivered them which my fathershave destroyed, as Gozan, and Har- (^)
an, and Rezeph, and the children
of Eden which were in Tfc-las'-sar?
14 TI And H4z-€-kl'-ah received
the letter from the hand of the mes­
sengers, and read it: and Hezekiahwent up unto the house of the Lord, (^)
and spread it before the 15 And Hfcz-€-ki'-ah prayed unto Lord.
the Lord, saying,
rael, that dwellest 16 O Lord of hosts, God of Is­between the chfcr'-
D-bims, thou art the God, even thou
alone, of all the kingdoms of the
earth: thou hast made heaven andearth.
Assyria departed, and went and re­37 H So SSn-nacb'-^r-ib king of^
turned, and dwelt at Nin'-i-vih.
worshipping in the house of Nis'-38 And it came to pass, as he was^
rd£h his god, that A-dr&m'-mi-lfccb
and Shi-ri'-rfr his sons smote himwith the sword; and (hey escaped (^)
into the land of Armenia: and
sar-h&d'-dQn his son reigned in his
These verses are culled from the Authorised Version, but you will find the same in every

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