Essays in Anarchism and Religion

(Frankie) #1
Mutuality, resistance and egalitarianism^71

  1. On independency in Africa, see Robert Rotberg and Ali A.
    Mazrui (eds.), Protest and Power in Black Africa (New York: Oxford
    University Press, 1970). On the production of the state, see Bruce
    Kapferer and Christopher Taylor, ‘Forces in the Production of the
    State’, in Contesting the State. The Dynamics of Resistance and
    Control, ed. by Angela Hobart and Bruce Kapferer (Wantage: Sean
    Kingston, 2012), 1–20.

  2. On refracted governmentality, see António Tomás, ‘Refracted
    Governmentality: Space, Politics and Social Structure in Contemporary
    Luanda’, PhD Thesis, Anthropology, Columbia University (2012).
    On state and citizenship, see James Scott, Seeing Like a State: How
    Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed
    (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998), 283–323; and Bruce
    Kapferer and Bjorn Bertelsen, ‘Introduction: The Crisis of Power and
    Reformations of the State in Globalizing Realities’, in Crisis of the
    State: War and Social Upheaval, edited by Bruce Kapferer and Bjorn
    Bertelsen (Oxford: Berghahn, 2009), 1–26.

  3. Ruy Blanes, ‘Da Confusão à Ironia. Expectativas e Legados da
    PIDE em Angola’, Análise Social XLVIII, 1 (203), 30–55.

  4. I am referring here to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s well-known sus-
    picion (perhaps obsession) vis-à-vis the State as a form of government
    that is ultimately a mechanism of control, abuse and theft of the au-
    tonomous individual. One such argument appears in his famed man-
    ifesto Idée Générale De La Revolution Au XIXe Siecle, published in

  5. See Daniel Guerin, Anarchism. From Theory to Practice (New
    York: Monthly Review Press, 1970).

  6. Wyatt MacGaffey, Modern Kongo Prophets. Religion in a Plural
    Society, (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1983); Anne
    Mélice, ‘Prophétisme, héterodoxie et dissidence. L’imaginaire kim-
    banguiste en mouvement’, PhD Thesis, Social and Political Sciences,
    University of Liège, 2011.

  7. Pedro Agostinho, Simão Gonçalves Toco e os Tocoistas no Mundo
    (Luanda: Edição de Autor, n.d.), my translation.

  8. Ibid.

  9. James Grenfell, ‘Simão Toco’.

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