Foreordination (Before 1805)
Furthermore, because advanced Creators are continually creating human beings
upon a planet of finite size, unless the newly created ones are one day given their own
planet, there would eventually be no more room for the creation of others. Because free will
allows each of us to create our own world according to our own desires, we needed a place
in the Universe that we could call our eternal home—something we owned and no one
could ever take away from us—our own solar system!
In giving us our own home, our Creators formed our solar system and placed just
enough planets here to accommodate each of our individual space requirements for our
eternal homes and happiness as had been done for them. However, before these planets are
transformed into our advanced and perfected abodes, our Creators knew it was wise to first
allow us the opportunity to gain the experience of everything opposite of a perfect human
world. They did this so that we would learn to enjoy our eternal existence.^27 That’s what our
mortal world is all about!
As advanced, newly created humans, we gained knowledge to create an outline of
what we wanted from our mortal lives. We wanted mortal incarnations that would
effectively provide us with all the experiences of opposition, which would eventually serve
as the contrasting experiences that would help us to appreciate our existence as advanced
humans. We would experience this joy one day when we returned to our former existence
as advanced human beings and then have a perfect recollection of our past mortal
experiences. With this perfect recollection, we will be able to immediately compare the
experiences we had while living as mortal human beings in an imperfect state with the
experiences we will have living as advanced human beings in a perfected state, thus allowing
us to feel eternally happy.
In outlining the mortal plans for this earth, we all agreed to certain parameters,
restrictions, and guidelines that would ensure the best possible experience for all of us
equally. Respecting these parameters, restrictions, and guidelines, some of us volunteered to
act as instruments of service in providing a buffer between our imperfect experience and
our true natures as advanced, perfected human beings.^28 Those who volunteered and were
accepted by the rest of us in this role can be appropriately referred to as True Messengers.
An Eternal Perspective
The Knowledge True Messengers Receive
As mentioned above, all true messengers see and hear “unspeakable things.”^29 These mortal
messengers are allowed to know the “TRUE GOD.”^30 With this knowledge, they can
properly promote a message that reflects our former perfect human experience to those who
cannot remember it. To obtain this knowledge, messengers, living on this planet and from
this batch of newly created humans, are instructed by their mutual siblings who once lived
as mortals on this planet and who are now resurrected beings. This is the case with Joseph’s
interaction with the resurrected Moroni and Christ, as well as this author’s interaction with
not only these men, but also with the resurrected Joseph Smith.
When the Nephites in the Book of Mormon “saw a man [Christ] descending out of
heaven”^31 and later “ascended into heaven,”^32 he was coming from and returning to the planet
where he temporarily resides. It is the same planet from which Moroni, the last author of the
Book of Mormon, came when he visited Joseph Smith as a resurrected being, and the same