Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Five: Spectrum, Part 1

Class I. Meditation (Aqua)

  1. Introduction: Levels of Mind

the foundational skills of all
magickal practice, which is why
this Class occupies first place in
the 12-color Spectrum of
Magicks. We are beings of Spirit
as well as physical Matter. Medi-
tation techniques and practices
are designed to bring all these aspects of our beings
into harmony and attunement.

The Four Levels
Our minds are layered like an onion (or a parfait).
But unlike these metaphors, the deeper we go into the
depths of our minds, the bigger the territory becomes,
until the very deepest place is One with Universal
Spirit. Think of this like waves in the sea: Each of our
own individual conscious minds is like the tip of a
wave. But the base widens out the deeper you go,
until the bottom of the wave is the entire ocean. Or
consider a house, with the
rooms we live in, and the ones
where we store stuff, but sel-
dom enter.
So the topmost layer of
waking consciousness is the
conscious mind. This is the
part of your mind that is ac-
tive, alert, concerned with your everyday life and your
physical well-being. Your conscious mind is the rooms
of your house that you actually live in—and what-
ever is up on your monitor!
The next level down is your subconscious mind.
This is like your basement or attic, where all sorts of
stuff is stored that you’ve forgotten about—or would
just as soon forget about! Your subconscious con-
tains your memory banks and files—including things
you thought you had relegated to the trash.

However, your subconscious is
also the gateway to the next
level...Your super-conscious mind, of-
ten called your “Higher Self.” This is concerned with
your spiritual well being, and contains your universal
memory, past-life experiences, and lessons over the
whole evolutionary history of your soul. In many
ways, this is the foundation of your house, and it can
also be seen as your programs and operating system.
And then, below all these levels of individual con-
sciousness, accessible only in deep sleep, is the realm
we call The Dreaming. This is the place we share with
everyone else—the ground under the foundations of
your house. The Dreaming is the World Wide Web of
planetary consciousness.
And, of course, it doesn’t stop there. Below the
level of planetary consciousness is cosmic conscious-
ness and universal consciousness...

Brain Waves
The vibrational frequencies of our brain waves in
cycles per second are designated as follows:

In a meditational trance, your brain frequencies
range from low alpha to high theta, averaging about
7.5 cps. The vibrational frequency of the Earth’s mag-
netic field is also about 7.5 cps. When you are medi-
tating, therefore, you enter into a resonant state with
Gaea. This harmonic resonance between our field and
the field of the entire planet gives a tremendous boost
to your psychic energies, allowing you to transmit
telepathy and healing over great distances through
Gaea’s field. Grounding and centering is really a mat-
ter of getting in synch with Gaea.

Our spiritual and physical bodies are connected
at seven vital centers, called chakras (see 5.2.3:
“Chakra Healing”). Chakras are a way of visualizing
human energy, but they are only one system or lan-
guage—the other major ones are meridians in Chi-
nese and auras in Western occult lore. In chakra medi-

Freq. Cycles/Sec. State of Consciousness Brain Waves Connection
Beta 14-30 cps Fully awake, alert, excited Conscious
Alpha 8-13 cps Deeply relaxed, composed Subconscious
Theta 4-7 cps Drowsy, tranquil, unconscious Superconscious
Delta .5-3.5 cps Deep unconsciousness, sleep The Dreaming

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