Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Five: Spectrum, Part 1 207

tation, these are opened and awakened in successive
order, from the bottom upwards. Meditation, however,
does not inherently open chakras; it can, and various
techniques increase the chances. As in the basic “Tree
of Life Grounding” in 4.IV.4, a powerful energy wave
is sent coursing upwards through your body from root
to crown. However, opening chakras in and of itself is
not necessarily a good thing, any more than opening
your front door is always a good thing.

Lesson 2: Basic Technique

Meditation allows you to learn to control the rest-
less, materially-oriented conscious mind and re-
program the subordinate subconsciousness, in
order that you may function from your spiritu-
ally-oriented higher consciousness. It opens up
the channel to your Higher Self.
—Raymond Buckland

Various techniques for meditation are taught by
different schools, and you may run into some of these
later on. None of these are wrong; anything is right
that works for you. Here is a good basic technique
that I have found to be very effective. Once you be-
come comfortable with this one, you may experiment
with others as you encounter them. (And if uncom-
fortable feelings or thoughts come up during medita-
tion, you should consult a reliable and knowledgeable
Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you
for 20 minutes or so, and shut the door to keep out
noise. Make sure there are no ticking clocks or drip-
ping faucets. Set the temperature at a comfortable level,
and wear loose clothing, such as a robe. Place a cush-
ion on the floor against a wall (or use a yoga backjack).
Place a small table or other stand about three feet in
front of the cushion, and place a lighted candle (in a
candleholder that will catch any melting wax) on the
stand. Don’t use a candle in a jar for this, as you need
to be able to see the naked flame. Then turn out all the
other lights, and sit down cross-legged on the cush-
ion, with your back against the wall or backjack. Fold
your hands together in your lap, and sit up straight.
(Some people like to lie down flat on their backs to
meditate, but I don’t recommend this, as it is too easy
to fall asleep!)
Relax your body, stare into the candle flame, and
just let your thoughts fade away until your mind be-
comes clear and void. One way to do this is to count
slowly backwards in your head, starting with 100 (and
add “one thousand” with each number for timing). Let
your eyes become unfocused, but keep them open for
as long as possible, blinking very rarely (you don’t
want to go to sleep!). Breathe deeply, inhaling and
exhaling as you slowly count each number: (inhale)
“ninety-nine...” (exhale) “ thousand.” (inhale)

“ninety-eight...” (exhale) “ thousand.”
Allow your mind to become still. Eventually, all
thoughts will disappear (including the counting), as
will all objects in the room, until there is only the flame
and your breath.... You will be in a state of trance. But
don’t worry if you don’t succeed right away; this can
take a while to learn, and no one gets it right at first.
Just keep practicing—even a few minutes every day
can make a difference—and it will come to you. After a
while, you won’t even need the candle, and it won’t
matter if you close your eyes. Your awareness and
perceptions will awaken to new degrees of clarity in
which everything you know falls into place, and your
path lies clear before you.

Third Eye
After you have gotten
comfortable at candle medita-
tion, a more advanced tech-
nique that I find very effective
is to focus on your third eye.
This is a spot right in the center
of your forehead, between and
slightly above your eyebrows.
This is your 6th chakra, and
corresponds to your pineal
gland inside your skull.
When you are looking at a candle flame or other
focus of meditation, you are usually looking down-
wards or straight ahead. The position of your eyes af-
fects the orientation of your thoughts and mind as well,
so that downward-looking tends to connect to the sub-
conscious, with all its buried issues. Looking straight
ahead reflects your normal conscious state and your
relations with others—as we look at each other eye-
ball-to-eyeball when we communicate. But focusing
your eyes inward and upward towards your third eye
connects you to your Higher Self and the realms of
Spirit. Do this exactly the same way as with the candle,
except now close your eyes and visualize that flame
glowing right above the center of your eyebrows. You
may need to strain your eye muscles a bit to focus
your eyes inside your head—like going cross-eyed—
but that’s part of the exercise.

Other Approaches
Once you have learned the technique I have given
you, I would encourage you to experiment with dif-
ferent ways. As time goes on, and you get really good
at this, you might try meditating in special places and
“power spots.” One of my favorite places to meditate
is deep in a quiet woods, sitting with my back against
the trunk of a large tree (I live in Northern California,
among the giant Redwoods). But it can be wonderful
to meditate by a waterfall, or at the seashore, on top of
an enormous rock, or in a cave....
What I have described here is one method of medi-




  1. Spectrum 1.p65 207 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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