Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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side of making enough money, or a step through any
of the other boundaries we put around ourselves, some-
times without knowing.
The wise fool is able to see through the walls of
illusion and walk through them. However, the Divine
Fool is not merely the idiot, and it is important to have
the developed intuition and magical sense to know
when and where to step into the unknown. Magic by
its very nature steps outside the bounds of conven-
tional reality, and every act of true magic contains
something of the unknowable, the eternally surpris-
ing, and carries some echo of the fool’s step.

By Raymond Buckland
We none of us ever graduate. Even at what is
termed “death” we do not finish—we move on to other
dimensions and further progress. But that is the joy of
life; the joy of living. There is always something new
just over the horizon. Nurture your curiosity. Don’t
let it grow into simple idle curiosity but develop it into
enquiry; investigation; experience; learning...all those
things that will continue to expand your conscious-
ness and move you ever farther along the path of life.
As a child I was a voracious reader.
I read every book I could lay my hands
on. But I didn’t stop there. I would turn
to the backs of those books and ab-
sorb the bibliographies; the lists
of other works on the same and
similar subjects. Then I would seek
out and read those books...which,
in turn, contained their own bibli-
ographies! Life is a little like that—
one thing can lead to another; one
interest can spark a dozen more.
One word of caution, however:
don’t spread yourself too thin.
Don’t scatter your energies too
far or too fast. Learn to pace yourself. Yet
the human mind is an incredible machine and
can absorb and make use of far more than we
could ever imagine.
This book has been a wonderful entry for
you into the world of wizardry. I wish I had had
access to such a book when I was a child. With the
knowledge you have acquired from this work, you will
always be one step ahead of your fellows. Be happy
about that. Be satisfied with that. Don’t flaunt your
knowledge. Don’t belittle those less fortunate. Mod-
esty and a quiet self-satisfaction are always preferable
to boasting and blustering. You have graduated from
this book’s work. You deserve a period of rest and
relaxation. But then it’s onward! You, me, and the rest
of the Grey Council of Wizards—such as us will never
rest. But that unease—that constant searching—is
our life’s blood. Know it, and enjoy it. Welcome to life!

The Future
By Lady Epona
You are the future of the Earth and the Universe
beyond. While we have led you along the path of
Wizards’ Wisdom, we know that you will see things
from a different perspective than that of your Elders.
You will experience Magick in different dimensions
from what we have experienced; for perspective and
dimension are the constructs of Time. We give you
what we have learned, it is up to you to take this knowl-
edge into the Future.
Love and Respect the Earth and Her creatures;
Be true to Yourself;
Love one another;
Live Long and Prosper;
and Above All Else—LAUGH!
Bright Blessings upon you,!

The Real Secret
By Luc Sala
The path of the Wizard looks like a glorious one,
gaining understanding of the deeper processes and
interactions of mind and nature and achieving some
kind of mastery over reality. This however, is only the
surface. The deeper lesson one learns
on this path is that of humbleness, of
not being different. The simple farmer,
the beggar, the stranger that smiles at
you, might be a far greater magician than
you if he or she has mastered the magic
of happiness and love—the great-
est art of all.
The powers of the mind as liberated,
focused and harnessed by visualiza-
tion, ritual and concentration are awe-
some, but don’t abuse them and
don’t claim them as yours. You are
only the channel, the vessel, and if
you really look around you will notice
that there is magic all around you. Be-
coming a magician is mostly becoming aware
and conscious of what is already there, discov-
ering the connections and correspondences
between the inner and outer worlds and for-
ever bridging them anew. It’s a never-ending path
and I’d like to share its most important lesson:
I am only different, as I have not yet learnt to be the
same. For being the same, overcoming the barriers, con-
necting and loving is the real secret of the Craft.

Living the Magick
By Donald Michael Kraig
I invite you to pause and take a breath. If you
have followed this course of study through to the end,
if you have successfully done all of the assignments, if
you have completed each task, you deserve high praise.
For the truth is, many will start down this road, but few

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