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Fine art, photography as, 44
Fine arts presses, 526–530
Finsler, Hans, 531, 532
biography, 532
further reading, 532
German, 531, 532
group exhibitions, 532
individual exhibitions, 532
Fischer, Arno, 533–536
biography, 534
further reading, 535–536
German, 533, 534
group exhibitions, 535
individual exhibitions, 534, 535
selected works, 535
Fischli, Peter, and David Weiss, 536–538
biography, 538
further reading, 538
group exhibitions, 538
individual exhibitions, 538
selected works, 538
Swiss, 536–537
Five Year Plans, Stalin’s, 42
Flaherty, Robert Joseph, 539–541
American, 539, 540
biography, 540, 541
further reading, 541
Flashes, hot shoe, 213
Fluorescent light, 300
Flusser, Vilem, 541–543 biography, 542, 543 Czech, 541, 542 further reading, 543 selected works, 543 Fluxus movement, 46 Focal plane shutters, 216 Formalism, 543–547 Fortune,2 Forward migration, 335 Fosso, Samuel, 29, 547–550 biography, 550 further reading, 550 group exhibitions, 550 individual exhibitions, 550 Nigerian/Cameroonian, 547–549 selected works, 550 France, 551–556 Franck, Martine, 556–560 Belgian, 556–558 biography, 558 books, 560 further reading, 560 group exhibitions, 558–560 individual exhibitions, 558 selected works, 560 Frank, Robert, 560–564 biography, 563 further reading, 564 group exhibitions, 563, 564 individual exhibitions, 563 selected works, 564 Swiss-American, 560–563 Franklin Furnace, 74 Freeform cropping, 347 Freund, Gisele, 564–567

biography, 566
French, 564–566
further reading, 567
group exhibitions, 567
individual exhibitions, 566, 567
selected works, 567
Friendly interpreter, 2
Friends of Photography, 11, 567–569
FSA,seeFarm Security Administration
f/stops, 216
Fuji film corporation, CCD developed by, 218
Fuji Quick-Snap, 220
Fukase, Masahisa, 569–572
biography, 570
further reading, 572
group exhibitions, 571
individual exhibitions, 570, 571
Japanese, 569, 570
selected works, 572
Fukuda, Miran, 572–574
biography, 573
further reading, 574
group exhibitions, 573, 574
individual exhibitions, 573
Japanese, 572, 573
selected works, 574
Funke, Jaromı ́r, 574–578
biography, 576
Czech, 574–576
further reading, 578
group exhibitions, 577, 578
individual exhibitions, 576, 577
Furuya, Seiichi, 578–580
biography, 579
further reading, 580
group exhibitions, 580
individual exhibitions, 579, 580
Japanese, 578, 579
selected works, 580
Fuss, Adam, 580–584
biography, 582
British, 580–582
further reading, 584
group exhibitions, 582–584
individual exhibitions, 582
selected works, 584
Futurism, 584–586
further reading, 586
Italian, 6
Futurist plastic dynamism, 158


Galleries, 587–590
Gallery 291, 290
GEH,seeGeorge Eastman House
Gelpke, Andre`, 590–592
biography, 591
further reading, 592
German, 590–591
group exhibitions, 591
individual exhibitions, 591
selected works, 591
General Idea, Canadian collective, 307


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