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Optics, 1184–1187
Other, vision of North Africa as exotic, 33
Outerbridge Jr., Paul, 1187–1190
American, 1187–1189
biography, 1189
further reading, 1189, 1190
group exhibitions, 1189
individual exhibitions, 1189
selected works, 1189
Owens, Bill, 1190–1192
American, 1190, 1191
biography, 1191
further reading, 1192
group exhibitions, 1191, 1192
individual exhibitions, 1191
selected works, 1192
OWI,seeOffice of War Information


PABIR,seePhotographic archives belong in Rochester
Painting,seePhotography and painting
Panoramic photography, 1193–1195
Parr, Martin, 1195–1198
biography, 1196
British, 1195, 1196
further reading, 1197
group exhibitions, 1197
individual exhibitions, 1196, 1197
selected works, 1197
Penn, Irving, 1198–1202
American, 1198–1200
biography, 1200
further reading, 1201
group exhibitions, 1200, 1201
individual exhibitions, 1200
selected works, 1201
Peress, Gilles, 1202–1205
biography, 1203, 1204
French, 1202, 1203
further reading, 1204, 1205
group exhibitions, 1204
individual exhibitions, 1204
selected works, 1204
Performance artist, Beuys as, 126
Periodicals, historical, 1205–1210
camera clubs and photographic societies, 1206
fashion magazines, 1208, 1209
further reading, 1209, 1210
illustrated newsmagazines, 1206, 1207
modern weekly, 1207, 1208
photographers’ periodicals, 1209
reprint series, 1209
Periodicals, professional, 1210–1213
Perspective, 1213–1216
Peterhans, Walter, 1217–1219
American, born Germany, 1217, 1218
biography, 1218
further reading, 1219
group exhibitions, 1219
individual exhibitions, 1218
writings, 1219
Pfahl, John, 1220–1224
American, 1220, 1221

biography, 1221
further reading, 1224
group exhibitions, 1222–1224
individual exhibitions, 1221, 1222
selected works, 1224
Photo agencies, 1224–1226
Photo-diarists, 50
Photo floodlight, 299
Photogenic drawings, 6
Photo ghetto, 92
Photogram(s), 7, 1238–1244
avant-garde experiments, 1239–1242
Berlinische Galerie and, 121
constructed reality and, 321
contemporary photograms, 1242
further reading, 1244
historical beginnings, 1239
Umbo and, 1578
Aboriginal, 88
agency, African, 25
content vs. style, 43
England’s most British, 160
nature, aerial photography and, 22
new topographic, 16
straight, 80
western, 16
Photographic archives belong in Rochester (PABIR), 67
Photographic theory, 1249–1255
academic period, 1253–1255
further reading, 1255
pre-academic period, 1249–1253
recent developments, 1255
Photographic ‘‘truth’’, 1245–1248
aerial, 7
autoguided, 78
boom, ACP and, 91
denaturalizing, 178
documentary authority of, 126
ethnographic, 28
graduate program in, 71, 72
live, important representatives of, 183
one-step, 222
painting and, 1255–1259
piggyback, 78
plant, 138
sculpture and, 1259–1262
set-up, 320, 321
social landscape, 51
Socialist Realist, 42
straight, 7, 10
truth-value of, 14
use of cable release, 195
visual and tactile qualities of, 7
worker, 234
Photography House, founding of, 93
of Algeria’s conflicts, 32
mid-1930s, 136
pioneer of modern, 1653
Photo League, 1227–1229
Photomontage(s), 40
constructed reality and, 320
John Berger and, 120


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