EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

Little did I know that it would also alert a
local Christian prayer group to begin praying
for me!
They cut the article out of the paper, pinned
it to their prayer board, alerted their 24-hour
prayer chain, and assigned someone to be fasting
and praying for me every hour of every day until
my conversion took place. I have since learned
that God does nothing in this world except in
response to prayer. I am so thankful for those
who sought God in my behalf.

The second pivotal happening came in the
form of a letter. Several weeks after the article
appeared, I received a letter from a college friend
who left school the same time I did to seek for
ultimate truth, but he went to study under a
different guru. The content of Larry’s letter was
quite a surprise. It described an abrupt change
that had just taken place in his life.

Though he had been devoted to yoga and
meditation, something had radically altered
his whole approach to the things of God. Larry
excitedly shared how he had walked into a
church and heard an audible voice say, “Jesus is

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