EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

the only way!” At the same time, the Holy Spirit
fell on him and he claimed he was “born again”
(spiritually transformed by an infilling of God’s
presence – John 3:3).

Being unfamiliar with this Biblical expression, I
assumed it was just a Christian term synonymous
with what Buddhists call Nirvana, Hindus call
Samadhi or New Agers call Christ consciousness.
But Larry insisted that this was different.

The Hinduism-based, New Age view I em-
braced maintained that a latent ‘spark of divinity’
exists within all human beings that must be
‘awakened’ to achieve God consciousness (a
supposed flash of revelation that we are God).

The Biblical view, on the other hand, explains
that, because of our corrupted state, God is
separate from us, and that spiritual rebirth
comes only when we are washed clean from
our sin in the blood of Jesus. Then the Spirit of
God enters into our hearts from without. At that
point, we are brought into true oneness with
God. (See Isaiah 59:2.)

Larry’s words were emphatic, “Mike, you’ll
never find ultimate peace through yoga and

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