EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

meditation. You have to go through the cross.
You have to be spiritually reborn. Jesus really is
the way to eternal life.”

I wrote my college friend back, explaining that
I was happy he’d found the path of Christianity
to be right for him. However, I also confided that
some of Christianity’s claims seemed illogical to
me, and that it was far too exclusive – making it
a ‘lesser path,’ an immature religious mindset.

“All religions are different paths to the same
God,” I countered. Strangely, though, I could not
get Larry’s letter off my mind. His words kept
echoing inside of me, even though their logic
escaped me.

After a couple of weeks, I decided I needed
to deal with this issue. Dismissing Christianity
without fully exploring its claims would be
unfair – unfair to me and unfair to the One who
claimed to be the Savior of the world. I realized
I had never really given Jesus an opportunity to
prove Himself.

So I concluded, “If He really was who He
claimed to be, and if I don’t test His teachings,
I might miss the very thing I’ve searched for so

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