EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

One who could bring me back into oneness with
the Everlasting Father (1 Timothy 2:5).

Quite often during the day I prayerfully
confessed faith-statements like:

“Lord JESUS, I commit this day to You.
I believe, if You are real and if You’re the
Savior of the world, You will show me today.”
After seeking God for a lengthy period, I
began reading the Bible, spending most of my
time immersed in the Gospel of John and the
book of the Revelation. I was especially stirred
by the latter, with its powerful, prophetic
visions, especially those verses foretelling that
final conflict between the forces of good and evil
at a battleground in Israel called Armageddon.
Even back in 1970 I could see foreshadowings of
the cataclysmic events that are soon to unfold.

I sought God fervently the entire day, fully
expecting some kind of powerful, supernatural
visitation (a vision, an audible voice). However,
I have since discovered that God does things
His own way, in His own timing. Later that
afternoon, right when I was about to give up
and dismiss the claims that Jesus really was the

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