EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

“Messiah,” God intervened, and I arrived at my ...

Moment of Destiny!

Kent Sullivan was a senior at the University of
South Florida. He was an accomplished student,
but his educational pursuits had not brought him
the lasting answers or peace of mind he desired.
A few months before, he had been following the
teachings of Yogananda, a well-known Indian guru
who authored the widely read book, Autobiography
of a Yogi (which I had read several times myself).
Abruptly, though, Kent had switched from Kriya
Yoga to Christianity.

Though I’d never met Kent personally, I was
well aware of his unexpected ‘conversion.’ It was
the talk of the town among those involved in
yoga and meditation. Many of us were stunned,
wondering how he could make such an illogical
choice. He was recognized as one of the most
advanced students of yoga in the Tampa area. We
mused, “How could he opt for the idea that Jesus
is the only path to salvation? How could anyone
who truly understands the concept of all religions
being one ever depart from it?” Of course, as I
pondered these things, I had no idea that ...

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