and improve your lifestyle. Don't give up or get discouraged. You have the innate ability to detoxify
your body, lose weight naturally, improve your health and reverse lifestyle-induced diseases such
as diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.
Let us know where you need help in the Member Center.
Green Belt
Average [Somewhat Nutrient Poor] (94-122)
Good job getting to Green Belt! You may have arrived here with some work
after starting at one of the other levels, or you may be entering here. Either
way, this is pretty good.
Unfortunately you are still eating somewhat nutrient-poor at this level, which
means you may be getting a just-okay amount of nutrients sometimes, but not
at the level or quality you need to achieve all seven of the success results.
The common responses that you learned about in “Wow, I Thought I Was
Eating Healthy!” are peppered throughout your thinking, even though you
are more health-conscious than ever before.
You are not tuned out of what’s being discovered in the realm of nutrition, but
much of what you are learning is unqualified or just nutritional marketing.
You still think animal products are healthy, maybe even “nutrient rich,” especially when they are
grass-fed and free-range. You also think refined oils are healthy, love the alternative health
packaging on everything from salt to chocolate, and think you can still eat whatever, whenever you
want, as long as you are exercising to burn calories.
The Standard American Diet is still pervasive in your life. You are eating a healthier version of the
Your biggest challenge is that you think you are already eating healthy, and because you are not
necessarily sick, you don’t think you have to eat any healthier. Think again. You might live a
relatively long life as a Green Belt, but the risk of developing lifestyle-induced diseases is still very
high. The current statistics on chronic disease and overweight are based largely on people eating in
this average way.
The Green Belt level is considered “healthy” by most people. You may think the way you are eating
is normal, when in fact it’s just common. Unfortunately, it’s also “common” to be overweight, and to
suffer from inflammation, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.