Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

(vip2019) #1

160 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations

explain to them the purpose or purposes behind the endeavor. The quality
of the data collected depends on assistance from SMEs.

Job Descriptions and Job Specifi cations

Often the information obtained from a job analysis is used to develop a job
description and its job specifi cations. A job description identifi es the tasks,
duties, and responsibilities of a job. The job specifi cations list the KSAOCs
individuals need to possess to perform a job successfully. Most job descrip-
tions contain the following information.

Identifi cation of the job position. This provides the job titles, reporting
relationships, department, and location. It may also include the job
code, pay grade, exempt or nonexempt status under the Fair Labor
Standards Act, and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
classifi cation.
General summary. This is a brief statement of the general responsi-
bilities and components that make the job different from others.
Essential functions and duties. This lists the essential functions and
duties, It identifi es the major tasks, duties, and responsibilities
Job specifi cations. This provides the qualifi cations needed to perform
the job successfully. Usually the KSAOCs are noted; the education
and experience needed; physical requirements and working condi-
tions. Exhibit 6.3 provides two examples of job descriptions.

Exhibit 6.3. Example Job Descriptions

Job Title Manager Housing Development
Job ID 20289
Full-/Part-Time Full-time
Regular/Temporary Regular
Salary Range $ 61,648 to $ 88,634 annual salary

Position Information
Manage the Multifamily Housing Development Division of the Community Plan-
ning and Economic Development Department
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