planning workshops and partnering efforts. This sup-
port includes providing the state ARNG a step by
step process to initiate sustainability within their state
across all operational areas. The ARNG Sustainability
Team works closely with state leadership and staff to
integrate sustainability into the State’s existing Stra-
tegic Plan ensuring integration with mission objec-
tives, policy requirements, and encroachment consid-
erations. The planning workshop includes both short
and long-term goals, measurable objectives, perfor-
mance indicators and targets, strategic initiatives, po-
tential sustainability projects, organizational respon-
sibilities, and estimated resources. Follow-on sessions
are conducted as needed after the initial workshop
to ensure continued progress towards a State Strate-
gic Plan that has Sustainability fully integrated (PKS
2011). To date, eight states have conducted Planning
Workshops, including AZ, CA, CO, MN, MS, NV, PA,
and TX.
The next step for continued engagement in the Sus-
tainability planning process is assisting state ARNGs
in developing Sustainability partnerships with na-
tional, regional, and local organizations, including
government, public universities, private industry, and
non-government organizations (NGOs). The ARNG
Sustainability Team assisted the Texas Military Forces
(TXMF) in holding their inaugural partnering event,
“The Power of Partnerships,” in Dallas-Fort Worth on
29-30 June 2011. The event was the first of its kind and
will serve as the model for future state ARNG Sus-
tainability initiatives. The purpose of this event was
to collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders to
identify common goals and mutually beneficial part-
nering opportunities focused on sustainability. Ap-
proximately 100 participants were in attendance, and
breakout sessions for the workshop were in the three