Sustainability and National Security

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the organization’s primary strategic goal to provide
the highest caliber of training to every citizen soldier,
in support of both state and federal missions.
Established in 2002, the AZARNG’s Qualified Re-
cycling Program (QRP) serves to reduce waste, while
earning non-appropriated funds. The QRP provides
for the recycling of cardboard, plastic, aluminum, pa-
per, antifreeze, batteries, oil, and scrap metal. Since
its inception, the QRP has generated $20K-$30K an-
nually, which pays for new recycling equipment and
expanded environmental impact reduction programs
(AZARNG 2011).
All new AZARNG construction and facility mod-
ernizations meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s
(USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) certification ratings of ‘Silver’ or better.
Over the past six years, the organization completed a
number of LEED Silver and Gold facilities, including
three Readiness Centers, a Field Maintenance Shop, a
Fire Station, an Armed Forces Reserve Center (AFRC),
and the renovation of a historical Headquarters Build-
ing (AZARNG 2011).
The AZARNG uses both rooftop and ground
mounted solar energy systems, along with wind tur-
bines as alternative energy sources. Since 1998, en-
ergy-saving measures (such as building lighting and
HVAC retro-commissioning, enhanced metering, sub-
stitution of energy-star rated products, and the use of
a BAC net Energy Management and Building Auto-
mation System) reduced the overall energy consump-
tion of the AZARNG by 51% (AZARNG 2011).
Fundamental to all AZARNG actions is the pres-
ervation and conservation of the state’s natural re-
sources. The AZARNG is involved with timber sales
and reforestation efforts, as well as, migratory birds,
wildlife, endangered species, and local Native Ameri-

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