Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

can tribes’ cultural studies. To provide for sustainable
training environments and address issues of encroach-
ment, the AZARNG and its partners are working with
legislators to protect airspace and flight paths, and are
implementing an ACUB program at Camp Navajo, a
Maneuver Training Center located in Northern Ari-
zona. Working cooperatively, the AZARNG and its
partners have taken advantage of each other’s unique
resources and skills, and established a truly regional
commitment to shared goals for the environment and
the military mission (AZARNG 2011).

Sustainability as part of Strategic Planning in

In 2008 the Colorado Army National Guard
(COARNG) began the journey of formally integrating
sustainability into its strategic planning process. In
Army terms, Sustainability means finding ways to ac-
complish today’s mission while still allowing for the
accomplishment of future missions. The COARNG
conducted strategic planning/sustainability work-
shops in 2009. As a result, several Action Plans were
generated with sustainability as a primary focus.
The COARNG’s military mission faces many
challenges such as urban growth, air quality, energy
source depletion, threatened and endangered species
and demands for land and air space. Through sus-
tainable efforts like environmental compliance and
stewardship, environmentally preferable purchas-
ing, implementing an environmental Management
System (eMS), and partnering with communities to
plan and avoid encroachment, the COARNG is begin-
ning to eliminate some of these challenges. It is the
COARNG’s obligation to ensure soldiers today, and
the Soldiers of the future have: the land; water and air

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