Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

to have net-zero installations place the Army in strong
leadership position for the decades ahead.


Army Regulation (AR) 210-20, 2005. Installations -
Real Property Master Planning for Army Instal-
lations, Headquarters Department of the Army,
Washington, DC, 16 May 2005.

ASA (I&H) Memorandum, Sustainable Design and
Development Policy Update - SPiRiT to LEED

Construction Waste Management by Tom Napier,
ERDC-CERL, published on the Whole Building
Design Guide at url:

Department of the Army, 2001. Memorandum. De-
construction and Reuse of Excess Army Buildings,
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for
Installations and Environment, Washington DC,
18 January 2001.

Department of the Army, 2006. Memorandum. Sus-
tainable Management of Waste in Military Con-
struction, Renovation, and Demolition Activities,
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation
Management, Washington DC, 06 February 2006
and Enclosure, 13 January 2006, revised July 2006.

Energy Standards for Buildings, American Society of
Heating Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engi-
neers (ASHRAE), 2004, Standard 90.1.

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