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26, Emerging professionals called to apply for op-
portunity to work on the 2030 USACE Integration
Project that will be entered into the Holcim Awards
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Engineer Research and Development Center – Con-
struction Engineering Research Laboratory
(ERDC-CERL) 1999 R&D Work Unit, Greening the
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cling, and Federal Acquisition,” October 1999.
Engineering Technical Letter (ETL) 1110-3-491, 1998.
Engineering and Design - Sustainable Design for
Military Facilities, Department of the Army, Wash-
ington DC, June 1998.
EO 12902, 1994. Energy Efficiency and Water Conser-
vation at Federal Facilities, March 1994.
EO 13101, 1998. Greening the Government through
Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisi-
tion, September 1998.
EO 13123, 1999. Greening the Government through
Efficient Energy Management, June 1999.
ERDC-CERL, 2011. Draft Technical Report, MILCON
Energy Enhancement and Sustainability Study of
Five Army Buildings - Summary Report, Collabo-
April 2011.