Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

Army War College; and the National Guard Advisor
to the Director Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army
War College.
He currently works in the National Security Issues
Group, U.S. Army War College as a GS-12. His areas
of focus include Environmental Security; The United
Nations; Stability, Stabilization, and Reconstruction
Operations; Homeland Defense/Security; Insurgency
and Counterinsurgency Operations.
He has a Bachelor of Science degree in History
from Bloomsburg University, PA; a Master’s of Sci-
ence degree in Information Management from Strayer
University, VA, a Master’s of Science degree in Stra-
tegic Studies from the U.S. Army War College and is
a graduate of the Information Management Course (a
Masters equivalent certificate) from National Defense
University. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army and
U.S. Marine Corps Command and General Staff Col-
leges and the U.S. Army War College.
He has been published over 30 times in a variety of
publications to include the U.S. Institute for Peace on
“Training the Military for Peace Operations, A Past,
Present and Future View”, Military Review, “The
Pennsylvania State Guard 1941-53”, Homeland De-
fense Journal, “Don’t Forget about the State Defense
Forces” and The Small Wars and Insurgency Jour-
nal, a Frank Cass Publication, “Training U.S. Army
Peacekeepers” and “We’ve Done This Before”. Most
recently he published a monograph in Joint Forces
Quarterly entitled “Volunteer Military Organizations,
An Overlooked Asset. In addition, he was the proj-
ect officer and co-Author for the Tactics, Techniques
and Procedures Peace Operations manual, FM 3-07.31.
As the advisor to the National Security Issues Branch
Chief on Peacekeeping and Stability Operations he has

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