Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

drafted several Environmental Security Annexes to
several combatant commands’ Theater Security Coop-
eration Plans e.g. USSOUTHCOM, and USAFRICOM.

Dr. Kristan Cockerill

Kristan Cockerill has an interdisciplinary back-
ground and 20 years experience working to under-
stand and improve the connections between cultural
and scientific information related to developing envi-
ronmental policy. Dr. Cockerill has coordinated policy
projects at local, regional and federal levels and has
conducted research assessing public attitudes about
national laboratory environmental performance;
nuclear waste; and military programs. Most recently
her work has focused on social and communication is-
sues relevant to water management decisions, includ-
ing research projects to develop collaborative models
for water management; to promote community water
education; and to encourage sustainable communities
in the southern Appalachians. Prior to entering aca-
demia, she was on the staff of the Army Environmental
Policy Institute. As a professor she has taught a broad
suite of interdisciplinary courses at Appalachian State
University, Columbia University’s Biosphere 2 Center
in Arizona, and the University of New Mexico.

Mr. Steven Hearne

Mr. Hearne is a Senior Fellow at the Army Envi-
ronmental Policy Institute assisting the Army Secre-
tariat in developing proactive policies and strategies
to address emerging international environmental
issues that may have significant future impact on
worldwide Army operational readiness. He is re-
sponsible for a series of studies that assessed the effec-

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