Medieval Law and the Foundations of the State

(Elliott) #1

Sées, church of Saint-Martin de, 119, 122
seigneuries44, 52, 54, 168
see also courts, seignorial
seisin 129–30
Selden, John 336
self-defence 194
self-help 68, 97
Seltz 102
seneschals and seneschalcies 118, 148–50,
157–8, 165–9, 175, 284, 287, 290–1
Senlis 56, 58
king’s court at 206
bailliageof 285
provost of 152
Sens 194
Archbishop Daimbert of 75
bailliageof 118, 149
serfs 13, 51–2, 55, 58, 76, 86, 116, 128,
163, 221, 224–6, 233, 239–41, 264–5
serjeants 117
at law 175
of the peace 249
Serres, Jean de 326
servant class 227, 230–1, 249
Session, Scottish court of 329
Seyssel, Claude de 292, 293, 305
Shakespeare, William, ‘state’ in works of
sheriffs (vicecomites) 17, 24, 79, 81, 93,
133–6, 152–4, 159, 161, 171–2, 178,
180, 187
inquest of 137
tourns of 134, 159, 173, 173
ship of state 275–6
shires 23, 94, 133
meetings and courts of 26, 29, 119,
133–4, 141, 155, 159, 168, 173, 180,
209, 217, 301
parliamentary representatives of 176,
185–6, 189
Shrewsbury, king and his council at 267
Shropshire, eyre in 154, 155
Sicily, kingdom of 95–99
Sigismund, emperor 107
Signy, monks of 120
Silesia, duke of 103
simony 74, 85
Smith, Sir Thomas, principal secretary 303,
315, 328
sodomy 241
Soissons 56, 63, 113, 151
bishop of 208
Sorbonne 326
Southampton 138
Southwark 159
sovereignty 295, 306–19, 327
legislative 330, 337–8

Spain 16, 274
bishop of 94, 205
city of 102
staat 108
stabilimenta41, 123–8, 201, 222
see alsoétablissements
stability (stabilitas) 252
of the commonwealth 38, 93
of the empire 83, 111
of empire and church 88
of grants, judgments or rights 83–4, 94,
110, 123
of the kingdom 12, 15, 38, 40, 66, 89,
of the land 263
of lords 39
of peace 27
perpetual 110
see alsostabilimenta
Stafford, commissioners of inquiry at 154
Stair, James Dalrymple, viscount of, author
of Institutions of the Law of Scotland
197, 329
Standestaat 221
stannary, warden of 218
staple ports 228, 246, 256
Star Chamber, court in 249, 305, 332, 333
Starkey, Thomas 3, 307–11
of ancient liberty 110
of body politic 229, 293, 331
of the church, churches or clergy 39, 71,
86, 88, 110, 224, 237, 254, 260
of church and commonwealth, body of the
faithful, kingdom of Christ 88, 192,
239, 267
of church and kingdom 79, 82–3, 89, 91,
186, 297
of the commonwealth (respublica) 5–9,
38, 69, 78, 89, 90, 252–78, 283, 284,
286–7, 293, 295–305, 308–11, 321,
328, 330, 333–4
of the community of the counties of
England 178
concept of v, 1–9, 88, 142, 167, 177,
291, 293–5, 307–28, 336–9
of crown and kingdom, 175, 145
of disinherited after the barons’ war 174
of the emperor’s health, crown, office and
prerogative 90–1
of the empire 71, 83–4, 89, 90, 96–7, 99,
106, 108, 254
of Europe or world 261, 323
of the forests 155
of Ireland 144
king as enemy to 335

388 Index

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