AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Chapter 7: Security Concerns 291

desires to gain access to authenticated accounts or administrator features, so here we briefly
touch on some of the methods employed.
The most obvious form of authentication on the Web is the use of a password. Intruders
will attempt to determine an end user’s password in a variety of ways, from simply guessing
it to tricking the user into revealing it. Even if they are unable to figure out the password they
may instead try to copy the session information associated with an authenticated user or even
try to have the user inadvertently perform attacks for them. We present a small sampling of
attacks in Table 7-3 that are focused on gaining privileged access to a site either directly or
indirectly in the sense of having users perform authenticated actions unknowingly.
There are many other security concerns that could be addressed, but the goal here is not
to provide a full Web application security discussion, but instead to remind readers of the
high points and show that Ajax applications don’t change many of these tried and true
attack schemes such as password guessing or simple data manipulation. However, as you
scanned the tables presented, you might not have clearly understood the point or impact of
attacks methods like XSS or CSRF, especially given such a brief discussion. Well fear not an
author hand waving away the details of such methods. You are going to get more than you
bargained for with these two particular attack schemes which we will discuss in depth later
in the chapter. With the rise of Ajax, hackers have become much more interested in
JavaScript-based attack methods than ever before, so read on to see what the impact of Ajax
is on the Web application security landscape.

Attack Name Goal How It Is Performed


To determine a
valid password of
a privileged user to
gain access to data
or function.

Passwords are tried one at a
time until entry is gained, the
intruder is locked out, or the
intruder gives up. The attack is
nearly always automated unless
some personal data is known
that makes educated guessing
a possibility. Given the range of
possibilities, smart dictionary
attacks would first try personal
data, then a list of commonly
used passwords, and then start
working on dictionary words or
variations. Knowledge of the
password policy of the site
would be helpful to craft the
attack. For example, if the site
requires four to eight characters,
the dictionary attack should be
tuned to start at that length
and employ any other casing or
character restriction applied.

Employ strong password
format so that easily
guessable passwords are
not used by end users.

Limit the number of
retries from a particular IP

Slow down the retry rate
by increasing delays
between failures.

After passing a threshold
of failures, lock the
account and alert the

TABLE 7-3 Sampling of Attacks Focused on Gaining or Abusing User Credentials
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