Mathematics for Economists

(Greg DeLong) #1

Cake eating problem

We can solve the problem as a dynamic programming problem. With
utility functionrt(ct)$βt^1 u(ct)and transition function
f(w,c)$wc.The Bellman equation is

Vt(w) = max
c 2 [ 0 ,w]

βt^1 u(c)+Vt+ 1 (wc)


VT(w) = βT^1 u(w).

Lett=T 1 .By the Inada condition we always have an interior solution
so derivative of the function behind the maximum is zero:
(cT =wcT 1 )

βT^2 u^0 (c)VT^0 (wc)= 0.
βT^2 u^0 (c)βT^1 u^0 (wc)= 0
βT^2 u^0 (cT 1 )=βT^1 u^0 (wcT 1 )=βT^1 u^0 (cT)
u^0 (cT 1 )=βu^0 (cT)
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