
(Joyce) #1

14.2.5Repeat Problem 14.2.4 whenfm=1 kHz,f=
0, and φ=90°.
14.2.6(a) Consider Figure 14.2.5, in which the signal
to be sampled isx(t)=18 cos 2π 20 t+ 12
cos 2π 60 t. Withfs=100 andD=Ts/2, for
0 ≤f ≤ 2 fs, sketch the amplitude line
spectrum ofxs(t).
(b) Then find the signaly(t) that would be re-
constructed by an ideal low-pass filter that
rejects allf>fs/2.
14.2.7(a) The continuous amplitude spectrum of the
input to a switching sampler (Figure 14.2.5)
is shown in Figure P14.2.7. For 0≤f≤
100, withfs=70 andD=Ts/4, sketch the
resulting spectrum ofxs(t).
(b) Suggest howx(t) can be reconstructed from
14.2.8PDM and PPM (see Figure 14.2.7) have the ad-
vantage of being immune to nonlinear distortion,
because the pulse is either on or off. However, in
exchange, the transmission bandwidth must be
B≥ 1 /D >> W, which is needed to accommo-
date pulses with durationD<<Ts≤ 1 /( 2 W).
LetDbe the pulse duration of the PPM waveform
in Figure 14.2.7. Let the maximum position shift
be±. For = 2 Dandfs=20 kHz, find the
maximum allowed value ofDand the minimum
required transmission bandwidth.

*14.2.9The TDM system of Figure 14.2.9 has a trans-
mission bandwidthB=250 kHz.

(a) Find the maximum number of voice signals
withW=4 kHz that can be multiplexed.
(b) Repeat part (a) with the additional constraint
that the TDM waveform be off for at least
50% of the time.
14.3.1An amplifier has a gain of 50 dB, a bandwidth
of 9 MHz, and a noise temperatureTa= 25 T 0 ,
whereT 0 is the room temperature, 290 K. Find
the output noise power and rms voltage across a
100-load resistor when the source temperature
T=T 0.
*14.3.2If the signal in Example 14.3.1 has a bandwidth of
600 kHz, determinePout/Noutassuming a noise-
less amplifier. Then check to see whether it is
possible to obtainPout/Nout≥ 105.
14.3.3A simpleRCfilter yields|H(ω)|^2 = 1 /[1+
(ω/ωco)^2 ], whereas a more sophisticated and rel-
atively more expensive Butterworth filter gives
|H(ω)|^2 = 1 /[1+(ω/ωco)^4 ]. Either of these
can be used to reduce the hum amplitude. Let
an information signal with significant frequency
content forf ≤30 Hz be contaminated by ac
hum at 120 Hz. The contaminated signal is then
applied to a low-pass filter to reduce the hum
amplitude by a factor ofα. For (i)α= 0 .25,
and (ii)α= 0 .1, determine the required cutoff
frequencyfcofor (a) theRCfilter, and (b) the
Butterworth filter, and suggest the filter to be used
in each case.

cos 2πfat = cos 2π 800 t

Ideal filter A
which rejects all
f < 800

Ideal filter B
which rejects all
f > 1200

x(t) xb(t)

cos 2πfbt = cos 2π 1200 t

Figure P14.2.3




40 60

Figure P14.2.7
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