british poetry in the age of modernism

(Axel Boer) #1

26 Walter Pater,The Renaissance(London: Macmillan, 1910 ), pp. ix–x.
27 Ezra Pound, ‘I Gather the Limbs of Osiris’,New Age 10 ( 1912 ), 224 – 5 (p.
224 ),EPP,I, 53. Pound acknowledged his borrowing in the 1910 introduction
to his translations of Cavalcanti, reprinted inTranslations of Ezra Pound,ed.
Hugh Kenner (London: Faber & Faber, 1953 ), p. 18.
28 Ezra Pound, ‘The Rev. G. Crabbe, LL.B’,Future 1 ( 1917 ), 110 – 11 (p. 110 ),
EPP, II, p. 188.
29 Edward Thomas,Walter Pater(London: Martin Secker, 1913 ), pp. 93 – 4.
30 Walter Pater, ‘Style’,Appreciations(London: Macmillan, 1910 ), p. 34.
31 Ezra Pound, ‘The Serious Artist, IV’,New Freewoman 1 ( 1913 ), 214 ,EPP,I,
p. 202 ; Ezra Pound, ‘The Approach to Paris.. .V’,New Age 13 ( 1913 ), 662 – 4
(p. 662 ),EPP,I,p. 181.
32 Thomas,Selected Prose, pp. 125 , 118 , 119.
33 Ibid.,pp. 117 , 121 , 123.
34 Ibid., pp. 113 , 114.
35 Ibid., pp. 107 , 105.
36 Clive Scott,Vers Libre: The Emergence of Free Verse in France, 1886 – 1914
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990 ), pp. 15 , 18.
37 Thomas,Walter Pater,p. 211.
38 Thomas,Selected Letters,p. 93.
39 Thomas,Selected Prose,p. 128.
40 Letter to John Bartlett, 4 July 1913 ,inSelected Letters of Robert Frost, ed.
Lawrance Thompson (London: Cape, 1965 ), p. 80.
41 Edward Thomas,Feminine Influence on the Poets(London: Martin Secker,
1910 ), p. 76. Love-poetry, the chapter explains, is also inextricable from
42 Walter de la Mare, ‘The Dreams of Men’,Times Literary Supplement, 18
October 1917 ,p. 502.
43 Thomas,Walter Pater,p. 78.
44 J. W. Haines,In Memoriam Edward Thomas, Green Pastures series (London:
MorlandPress, 1919 ),p. 14.
45 Edward Thomas,The South Country(London: Dent, 1909 ), p. 7.
46 Ibid.,p. 4.
47 Edward Thomas,The Icknield Way(London: Constable, 1913 ), vi.
48 Thomas,The South Country, pp. 64 – 5.
49 Ibid., pp. 254 , 253.
50 Thomas,The Icknield Way,p. 143.
51 Edward Thomas,The Country, ed. Mary Stratton (London: Batsford, 1913 ),
pp. 35 , 36 , 37.
52 Edward Thomas,Maurice Maeterlinck(London: Methuen, 1911 ), p. 159.
53 Thomas,The Country,p. 39.
54 Thomas,The South Country, pp. 75 , 85.
55 Raymond Williams,The Country and the City(London: Chatto & Windus,
1973 ), pp. 259 , 255.

210 Notes to pages 74 – 92

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