british poetry in the age of modernism

(Axel Boer) #1

56 Thomas,The Country, pp. 25 – 6.
57 William James,Talks to Teachers on Psychology; and to Students on Some of
Life’s Ideals(London: Longmans, 1903 ), p. 245.
58 Edward Thomas,The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans(London: Duckworth, 1913 ),
pp. 47 , 59 , 49.
59 Edward Thomas,The Heart of England(London: Dent, 1906 ), p. 2 ; Thomas,
The South Country,p. 252.
60 Edward Thomas, The Childhood of Edward Thomas: A Fragment of
Autobiography(London: Faber & Faber, 1938 ), p. 56.
61 Thomas,Selected Prose,p. 130.
62 Arthur Symons, ‘In Praise of Gypsies’,Journal of the Gypsy Lore Societyn.s., 1
( 1908 ), 296 – 9 (p. 296 ).
63 Arthur Symons, ‘Reviews’,JGLS 1 ( 1908 ), 281.
64 E. O. Winstedt, ‘Gipsy “civilisation” ’,JGLS, 1 ( 1908 ), 319 – 49 (p. 345 ).
65 Edward Thomas,George Borrow: The Man and his Books(London: Chapman
& Hall, 1912 ), p. 319.
66 ‘FieldNotes’ 67 [n.p.],Berg Collection.
67 Derek Attridge,Poetic Rhythm(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1995 ), p. 157.
68 H. P. [Henry Playford] Text taken from Thomas D’Urfey,Wit and Mirth,
or, Pills to Purge Melancholy, 4 th edn., 6 vols. (London: W. Pearson for J.
Tonson, 1719 – 20 ), V ( 1719 ), p. 319. George Farquhar’s alternative version in
The Recruiting Officer( 1719 ) is a call to enlist; John Gay’sThe Beggar’s Opera
( 1728 ) transforms it into a love-song.
69 Hollows are sites of torture and death in ‘The Hollow Wood’ and Morris’s
The Hollow Land’, which Thomas had recently reviewed. There may be
echoes too of Hardy’s ‘After a Journey’, where the ghostly wife is ‘scanned
across the dark space wherein I have lacked you’.
70 Field Notes 67 [n.p.], Berg Collection.
71 Robert Frost, letter to Grace W. Conkling, repr. in William Cooke, ‘Elected
Friends: Robert Frost and Edward Thomas’,Poetry Wales 13 : 4 ( 1978 ), 22 – 3 (p. 23 ).
72 Text taken fromRobert Frost: Collected Poems, Prose and Plays(New York:
Library of America, 1995 ).
73 Thomas,Selected Letters,p. 114.
74 Cf. Frank Lentricchia,Modernist Quartet(Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1994 ), pp. 74 – 6.
75 Thomas,The Icknield Way,p. 2.
76 Thomas,Feminine Influence on the Poets,p. 85.
77 Thomas,SelectedLetters,p. 146.
78 Leavis,New Bearings,p. 69.
79 Jean-Luc Nancy,The Inoperative Community, ed. Peter Connor, trans. Peter
Connor, Lisa Garbus, Michael Holland and Simona Sawhney (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 1991 ), p. 19.
80 Thomas,The Country,p. 55.

Notes to pages 92 – 106 211
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