Health Psychology : a Textbook

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Fig. 10-1 Selye’s three-stage general adaptation syndrome 235
Fig. 10-2 The role of appraisal in stress 239
Fig. 10-3 Stress and changes in physiology 242
Fig. 10-4 The interaction between psychological and physiological aspects
of stress 249
Fig. 11-1 Chronic/acute model of stress–illness link 252
Fig. 11-2 Stress-diathesis model 253
Fig. 11-3 The stress–illness link: physiological moderators 258
Fig. 11-4 The stress–illness link: psychological moderators 268
Fig. 11-5 Incidence of CHD by number of children: the role of work stress
on illness in women 281
Fig. 12-1 The gate control theory of pain 288
Fig. 12-2 Psychosocial aspects of pain 290
Fig. 12-3 Psychology and pain treatment 296
Fig. 13-1 The central role of patient expectations in placebo effects 316
Fig. 13-2 Totman’s cognitive dissonance theory of placebo effects 320
Fig. 13-3 The interrelationship between beliefs, behaviour and health 323
Fig. 14-1 The potential role of psychology in HIV 331
Fig. 14-2 The potential role of psychology in cancer 340
Fig. 15-1 Potential role of psychology in obesity 353
Fig. 15-2 Grades of obesity by height and weight 354
Fig. 15-3 Relationship between BMI and mortality 355
Fig. 15-4 Changes in physical activity and obesity 360
Fig. 15-5 Changes in food intake from the 1950s to the 1990s 363
Fig. 15-6 Changes in calorie consumption and obesity 363
Fig. 15-7 The potential role of psychology in CHD 371
Fig. 16-1 A shift in perspective in measuring health 390

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