- Row Matrix
A matrix with a single row is said to be a row matrix.
Eg : B = () 1 − 2 − 3
The matrix B has only one row and three columns and hence it is a new matrix of order
1 ×3.
The seating arrangement of students of a particular desk in the class can be treated as
a concrete example for enabling the child to understand the idea.
The upper abacus which contains a single row and 13 or 15 columns, as the case may
be, can be used as a concrete example for teaching the idea of row matrix.
- Column Matrix
A matrix with a single column is said to be a column matrix.
Eg : D - ⎟⎟
Here, the matrix D has 3 rows and only a single column and hence D is a column
matrix of order 3×1.
The child may be asked to explore a particular column of the abacus which contain 4
rows and a single column, thus making a column matrix.
The students standing in a line also becomes a column matrix.
In the expression 1 × 3 matrix, ‘ 1 ’ represents the ‘row’ and ‘ 3 ’ represents the columns.
The child should be oriented that the first number in the order always represents the
row and the second number represents the column.