4 Eigen Values and Vectors
In this chapter, we will analyze determinant and its properties, definition of
eigen values and vectors, different ways how to diagonalize square matrices
and finally the complex case with Hermitian, unitary and normal matrices.
4.1 Determinants
4.1.1 Preliminaries
Proposition 4.1.1 det A ^ 0 => A is nonsingular.
Remark 4.1.2 Is A — XI (where X is the vector of eigen values) invertible?
det(A - XI) =? 0
where det(A — XI) is a polynomial of degree n in X, thus it has n roots.
Proposition 4.1.3 (Cramer's Rule) Ax = b where A is nonsingular. Then,
the solution for the jth unknown is
_ det(A(j <- b))
j~ det ,4 '
where A(j <— b) is the matrix obtained from A by interchanging column j with
the right hand side b.
Proposition 4.1.4 det A = ± [product of pivots].
Proposition 4.1.5 \detA\ = Vol(P), where P=conv{Y^"=1eiai, e^ is the jth
unit vector} is parallelepiped whose edges are from rows of A. See Figure 4-1-
Corollary 4.1.6 |detvl| = H?=1 \a,i\.
Definition 4.1.7 Let det A"^1 = g^.