Principles of Mathematics in Operations Research

(Rick Simeone) #1

52 4 Eigen Values and Vectors

A =

an ai2 ai3
021 <J22 0,23
^31 «32 «33


Fig. 4.1. |det A| = Volume(P).

4.1.2 Properties

  1. The determinant of J is 1.
    Example 4.1.8
    0 1 1.

  2. The determinant is a linear function of any row, say the first row.
    Example 4.1.9
    det a b
    c d

a b
c d
= ad — cb.

ta tb
c d
= tad — ted = t
a b
c d

  1. If A has a zero row, then det .4 = 0.
    Example 4.1.10
    c d
    = 0.

  2. The determinant changes sign when two rows are exchanged.
    Example 4.1.11
    c d — cb — ad
    a b

a b
c d

  1. The elementary row operations of subtracting a multiple of one row from
    another leaves the determinant unchanged.
    Example 4.1.12

a — acb — ad
c d
(ad — acd) — (be — acd) bc =
a b
c d

  1. If two rows are equal (singularity!), then det A = 0.
    Example 4.1.13


a b
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