54 4 Eigen Values and Vectors
4.2 Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Definition 4.2.1 The number X is an eigen value of A, with a corresponding
nonzero eigen vector v such that Av = Xv.
The last equation can be organized as (XI—A)v = 0. In order to have a non-
trivial solution v 7^ 9, the corresponding null space (kernel) M(XI — A) should
contain vectors other than 9. Thus, the kernel has dimension larger than 0,
which means we get at least one zero row in Gaussian elimination. Therefore,
(XI — A) is singular. Hence, A should be chosen such that det(AJ — A) = 0.
This equation is known as characteristic equation for A.
d(s) = det(sl - A) = s^11 + dxsn+1 + • • • + dn = 0.
Then, the eigen values are the roots.
d(s) = (s- X,r (s - A 2 )"^2 ...(«- Xk)n- = Y[(s - K)ni-
The sum of multiplicities should be equal to the dimension, i.e. Y^i ni — n-
The sum of n-eigen values equals the sum of n-diagonal entries of A.
Ai + • • • + An = niAi + • • • + nfcAfc = ou + • • • + ann.
This sum is known as trace of A. Furthermore, the product of the n-eigen
values equals the determinant of A.
Remark 4.2.2 If A is triangular, the eigen values X\,.
entries an,... ,ann.
., Xn are the diagonal
Example 4.2.3
A =
I 0 0
II o
u 4 4
det.4 = i(l)| = |(property 8).
d(s) =
8~\ 0
-i 8-1
s —
= 1-2 (*-l)
So, Ai = \ = an, A 2 = 1 = a 2 i, A 3 = | = a 33. Finally,