64 4 Eigen Values and Vectors
a+ib= r (coxO + i sinO)
*- Re
Fig. 4.2. Complex conjugate
Definition 4.5.2 A = AH with entries (AH)ij = (A)^ is known as conju-
gate transpose (Hermitian transpose).
i. < x, y >— xHy, x A. y <=> xHy = 0,
ii. \\x\\ = (xHx)z,
in. {AB)H = BHAH.
Definition 4.5.3 A is Hermitian if AH = A.
i. A" = A,~ix<E C", xHAx € K".
ii. Every eigen value of a Hermitian matrix is real.
Hi. The eigen vectors of a Hermitian matrix, if they correspond to different
eigen values, are orthogonal to each other,
iv. (Spectral Theorem)
A = AH, there exists a diagonalizing unitary (complex matrix of orthonor-
mal vectors as columns) U such that
U'^1 AU = UHAU = A.
Therefore, any Hermitian matrix can be decomposed into
A = USUH = Xivxv? + ••• + \„vnv%.
Definition 4.5.4 If B = M~^1 AM (change of variables), then A and B have
the same eigen values with the same multiplicities, termed as A is similar to