6.1 Solution of Ax = b^83
\\x\\ = -y> Ax = x 2 -xi = -
= 1 ana
-1 =* IIArll =
5 x 10~^6.
T/ie relative amplification in this particular instance, ",, 1}' ~ -g-loiMJ
approximately ^-, which is a lower bound for the condition number c«2x
Remark 6.1.5 As a rule of thumb (experimentally verified), a computer can
loose logc decimal places to the round-off errors in Gaussian elimination.
6.1.2 Symmetric and not positive definite
Let us now drop the positivity assumption while we keep A still symmetric.
Then, nothing is changed except
\"max |
6.1.3 Asymmetric
In this case, the ratio of eigen values cannot represent the relative amplifica-
Example 6.1.6 Let the parameter K ^> 0 be large enough.
A =
1 K
0 1
<*A~X =
1 -K
0 1
Ai = A 2 = 1.
In particular,
b = b\ = 1 =£• x = x\
Then, we have
\\b\\ = Vl + K^2 , Ab = h - h =
and b? = =>• x 2 =
\M = l;
1, Ax = X2 — X\
V 1 + K^2 and
» \\AX\\ = Vl + K^2
Ah\ 1
\m\ \o\ %/i + K^2 "
The relative amplification in this particular instance is 1 + K^2. Hence, we
should have 1 C 1 + K^2 < c(A). The condition number c(A) is not just the
ratio of eigen values, which is 1; but it should have a considerably larger value
in this example, since A is not symmetric.