84 6 Computational Aspects
Definition 6.1.7 The norm of A is the number defined \\A\\ = xnaxx^o |d!f
Remark 6.1.8 ||.A|| bounds the "amplifying power" of the matrix.
\\Ax\\ < \\A\\ \\x\\, Vz;
and equality holds for at least one nonzero x. It measures the largest amount
by which any vector (eigen vector or not) is amplified by matrix multiplication.
Proposition 6.1.9 For a square nonsingular matrix, the solution x = A~^1 b
and the error Ax = A~^1 Ab satisfy
Proof. Since
b=Ax=> \\b\\ < \\A\\\\x\\ and
Ax = A-xAb =$> \\AX =|| < ||^_1|| ||A>||, we have
H&HPHIWI and II^Hl^-
Remark 6.1.10 When A is symmetric,
W = |A„I, ii^-
^ J-|=>c:
lAllIU-^1 !^
and the relative error satisfies
\AX\\ K \\Ab[
"1 K
0 1
,b =
1 , A» =
Example 6.1.11 Let us continue the previous example, where
A =
Since we have
«<||^||<«+1, and K < \\A~*\\ < K+ 1,
then the relative amplification is approximately K^2 « ||.A|| ||A_1|
Remark 6.1.12
ll2 \\Ax\\
(^2) xTATAx
\A\' = max
= max • : Rayleigh quotient!