Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

this a Primary Direction would not function until such time as the progressed Moon forms an aspect of a
similar nature. v. Directions.

In calculating Progressions by the system of taking the positions of the planets as given in the Ephemeris for
the next day following birth, as the equivalent of their progressed positions at the end of the first year of life,
use may be made of this table. [Apolo's Note: 'd.' means 'day'; 'h.' means 'hour(s)'; 'm.' means 'minute(s)'; 's.'
means 'second(s)'.]

......1 d. = 1 year

......2 h. = 1 month

.....30 m. = 1 week

......4 m. = 1 day

......1 m. = 6 hours

.....10 s. = 1 hour

......1 s. = 6 minutes

Seer. One who sees; a crystal gazer; a person endowed with second sight; one who foresees future events - a
prophet; astrologically, one whose extra-sensory perceptions enable him to vizualize the ultimate effects that
will result from the cosmic causes portrayed in a birth Figure.

Semi-Arc. That portion of a celestial body's apparent daily travel, during which it remains above the horizon,
from its rising to its setting, is called its diurnal arc; hence half of the arc, from horizon to midheaven, is its
Diurnal Semi-Arc. The other half, most of which is under the earth, is its nocturnal arc, and half of it becomes
the Nocturnal Semi-Arc. The Sun's semi-arc, diurnal or nocturnal, when in 0° Aries or 0° Libra, is six hours or
90° all over the Earth. At other seasons the one is greater or less than the other, according to the time of the
year and the latitude of the place. The greatest discrepancy occurs where the N. or S. latitude is high, and when
the Sun is in 0° Cancer or 0° Capricorn. The semi-arc is usually measured in degrees of R. A. passing over the
Meridian; although it can be expressed in terms of time.

Semi-Quintil. An 36º aspect (v. Quintile).

Semicircle. v. Lunar; Solar.

Semi-sextile. A 30º aspect. (q.v.)

Semi-square. A 45º aspect. (q.v.)

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