Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

Senses, Significators of the. Generally accepted as the significators of the five physical senses, are:






Separating, separation. v. Aspects.

Sesqui-quadrate. A 135º aspect (q.v.)

Sesquiquintile. A 108º aspect (q.v.)

Seven. Anciently the number of the bodies presumed to make up our solar system, to which number was
ascribed a magical significance. Identified with them were the days of the week and the seven notes of the
Diatonic scale. In 1666 Newton ascribed to them the seven hues of the spectrum.

Man was presumed to be a seven-fold being:

Sun:......His life-forces; the spiritual being within.

Moon:.....His psychic being; the vegetable kingdom.

Mercury:..His intellect; the realm of Mind.

Venus:....His divine, immortal self; the benevolent nature.

Mars:.....His bestial nature; the animal nature.

Jupiter:..His higher physical nature; the quality of optimism.

Saturn:...His physical being; the mineral kingdom.

The seven deadly sins of the ancient theologians were said to have been of astrological origin: Pride, Jupiter;
covetousness, Saturn; lust, Venus; wrath, Mars; gluttony, Mercury; envy, Moon; indolence, Sun.

Also the seven virtues: Chastity, Moon; love, Venus; courage, Mars; faith, Jupiter; hope, Sun; wisdom,
Mercury; and prudence, Saturn.

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