(Darren Dugan) #1

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?

The above table carries a validity of 7.6% for the responses listed in it. In response to an
inquiry that if the organization will benefit from the professional development of the staff
92.4% has responded positively. No negative response was received in this respect. This
means that an over whelming majority of the staff perceives that their development is a
contribution towards organization’s benefits.

Contribution of Staff Development to the Organization
If yes, how you are going to contribute to the organization?
Table# 47-D (by being more Table# 48-D (facilitate in introducing
efficient and effective at work) new interventions)
y Percent
Valid 22 33.3
A 44 66.7
Total 66 100.0

Contribution of Staff Development to the Organization

Table# 49-D (improved support to Table# 50-D (Increased understanding
the colleagues) about work)

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?

y Percent
Valid 39 59.1
B 27 40.9
Total 66 100.0

y Percent
Valid 36 54.5
C 30 45.5
Total 66 100.0

y Percent
Valid 36 54.5
D 30 45.5
Total 66 100.0
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