senior management has agreed that their organizations support staff capacity
development. Hence we find that the senior management of both the categories perceives
staff capacity development as a strong development intervention for the organizations.
According the interpretation of table # 2, 3 and 4 all the positive responses
(24.4%) received from the learning organization have strongly supported the use of
trainings for the purpose with the use of additional technique of mentoring and coaching
highlighted in some cases(4.9%). As for the conventional organizations (table # 2-B, 3-B
and 4-B) 69.4% among the total positive responses of 77.8%, have identified the training
technique used for capacity development in their organization. In few cases i.e16.7% of
the total positive responses, the use of coaching and mentoring has been highlighted for
the purpose.
Hence, the result shows that use of training for the purpose of staff capacity
development is viewed as a strong intervention by the senior management of both the
categories even if they are not practicing it frequently.
The interpretation of the information about the frequency of the trainings within
the organization (table # 5, 6 and 5-B and 6-B) reflects the comparison between the
learning and conventional organizations’ culture showing their level of support for the
staff capacity development in terms of using trainings as a tool. The information shows
that majority of the responses (63.9%) from conventional organizations has negatively
responded to the frequent implementation of staff training by their organization. It is
further added that among the positive responses(36.1%) received for the frequency of
trainings 25% says that such events takes place on yearly basis which is again not
considered a frequent practice in the present dynamic business world. In contrast to this
the information from the learning organization (table 5 and 6) shows that majority of the
senior management has responded that training events are frequently held in their
organizations and that too in most of the cases semi annually. Hence, our final findings
reflect that use of training for the purpose of staff capacity development is viewed as a
strong intervention by the senior management of both the categories even if they are not
practicing it frequently.
The interpretation of the data in table # 9 and 11 sample drawn from learning
organization show that majority (22.1% among the total 26.8%) of the senior
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)