Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
Table # 63-D reflects that the validity of the data is 13.6%. The table shows that 6.1% has
chosen the option that their trainings on the present job will only some what support them
in their work after being promoted to a higher position. 45.5% says that any such training
will partially support them in their future tasks, whereas, 34.8% says that their trainings
at present will fully support them in carrying out the tasks of next higher position after
their promotion. This means that majority accepts the fact that their present trainings will
assist them in their future tasks at least partially if not fully.
4.3. Discussion: Quantitative Analysis
The analysis carried out in the previous chapter has led to the establishment of certain
findings for which the overview is being presented in this chapter. These findings as per
the analysis have two parts- one that relates to the opinions and attitudes of the senior
management of the organizations towards career development who play an important role
in promoting the process. Another part of the findings have been drawn from the analysis
of the information collected from the employees who are the key drivers of the process.
These findings are as follows-
4.3.1. Part I: Senior Management................................
The interpretation of the data collected from the learning organization sample (table# 1)
shows that among 29.3% of the responses received an over whelming majority (24.4%)
of the senior management has agreed that their organizations support staff capacity
development. Similarly the interpretation of the data collected from the conventional
organization (table # 1-B) shows that 77.8% out of 97.2% of the total responses from the