(Darren Dugan) #1

drawn from table 13-D and 14-D of conventional organization where majority(59.1%)
said that they are getting mentoring and coaching support from their organization but in
this case again it is informal.
Hence both the samples show that the practice exists informally within the
organizations. This brings us to the conclusion that though the process of mentoring and
coaching is more common in the learning organizations but is not being taken up on
formal footings. This could be attributed to the fact that though career progression is
support by over all environment of the learning organization but the responsibility is not
formally shared.
The interpretation of the data to the response on career counseling support by the
organization as shown in table # 15-C and 16-C of the learning organization,
majority(74.6%) has favored the idea of getting support from the organization in this
respect. Among such a majority (63.5%) we find that in most of the cases the
expectations are for a formal support in this respect. A again a similar kind of results
have been drawn from the conventional organization sample as in table # 21-D and 22-D.
the interpretation again reveals that majority (86.4%) is in favor of getting organizational
support in career counseling and that too again the majority(53%) expecting such support
to be formal.
The conclusion drawn from this is that the employees in both the categories
favors the idea that their organizations should provide them with the mentoring and
coaching support and expect that such support should be formal. Here formal support
means that the organization formally commit to the employee career development.
The interpretation of table# 18-C, 20-C,21-C, 22-C and 23-C of the learning organization
show that majority (55%) has witnessed change in their work patterns after taking the
trainings. Among these a majority has agreed that their understanding of work has
improved and next their efficiency has improved. A considerable number also highlighted
improvement of work quality and increased interest in work. Again we find that in many
cases multiple responses have been selected which reflects that such a change is
multifaceted. In this case the conventional organization’s data interpretation gives us
similar results as that of the learning organization. In this case again a majority (83.3%)

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