(Darren Dugan) #1

has agreed that heir work patterns have changes with an improvement in understanding of
work, improvement in quality, increased efficiency and increased interest in work.
Hence our final finding in this case is that even if the trainings are not held
frequently still the employees thinks that it has a positive impact on their capacity
development which in turn they utilize for the benefit of the organization.
According to the analysis of table# 25-C, 26-C, 27-C, 28-C and 29-C we find that
a majority (84.1%) has a positive response towards sharing their learning with their
colleagues through different ways including, guiding colleagues, motivating them for
quality, providing work support and sharing with them new improved patterns of work.
The analysis further leads to the finding that only in small number of cases (19% given in
table#7) the organization has arranged for sharing their learning from trainings with their
colleagues. This could be attributed to the fact that majority of the staff interviewed in
this category has been newly inducted so had little opportunity to follow such practices.
In case of the conventional organization as interpreted for table# 33-D, 34-D, 35-
D, 36-D and 37-D we find that majority (89.4%) are sharing their learning gained through
trainings with their colleagues using different ways as listed above. Ironically the
interpretation of the table # 8-D reveals that in 40% of the cases the organization has tried
to arrange an event where the employees could share their learning with their colleagues.
The above discussion leads the finding that the employees of both the categories, even if
they are not actually practicing the sharing of knowledge with their colleagues but still
they understand the importance of such practices. It is further concluded that in either
case the organizations are not strategizing for the formally dissemination of such
knowledge which is a much cheaper source of learning.
The interpretation given for table# 30-C, 31-C, 32-C, 33-C, 34-C, 35-C and 36-C
of the learning organizations reflects the environment at the work place in the form of
colleagues’ behavior at the learning organizations. We find that the colleagues response
to the sharing of learning is quiet positive and majority (54%, 28%) appreciate such
sharing and make use of it, often asking more guidance. Majority (74.6%) has never
encountered any objection to their trainings by their colleagues. It further supports the
fact that this never had been the source of conflict within the organization.

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