
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Moon

this country is that mind practice is anything but relaxing
or passive. It is very active.

The Techniques

The actual technique is quite simple, taking only a few
minutes to learn; it is, however, worth getting this
instruction from someone authorized to give it. Most
Buddhist and some Hindu groups offer this type of mind
practice. When looking for training in mind practice, be
sure to ask for a technique that emphasizes
concentration on the present moment—on being
present: avoid all of the more dreamy relaxation
techniques. What you need in order to use lunar gaps is
to become very alert and observant. This mind
technique is called ‘Shamata training’ in Tibetan
Buddhism, and ‘Zazen’ in Zen Buddhism. I would be
happy to send a list of well-respected Centers offering
training to anyone who writes to me at: 315 Marion
Avenue, Big Rapids, MI 49307. It is important that you

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