The Moon
receive instruction from someone trained in the
technique and that you get an authentic connection with
a tradition.
Even the non-astrologer cannot help but notice the time
of the Full Moon each month—that time when the full
disk of the Moon passes overhead around midnight. It is
a fact that many have trouble sleeping when the Full
Moon makes this overhead transit in the middle of the
night. Often sleep will not come until the Moon finishes
rising, transits overhead, and begins to set. This has
been used by some as a way to determine whether a
late-night party or a bout of TV watching will be a
satisfying experience; in general, you can plan on the
building of tension (and attention) while the Full Moon is
rising and on an easing of that state just after the Moon
crests overhead. After the Moon crests and begins to
set is a good time to bring activities to a close. Sleep
often will come with ease at that point.
Learning to get in step with and make use of the Moon
cycle is a basic part of astrological training. There has
been general agreement among astrologers for
thousands of years as to how the lunar cycle functions
and the uses it can be put to.